Naming Your Precious
Naming your baby is one of the most difficult tasks a human can do. Not a human baby, obviously. They’re adorable. You can give them any combination of sounds and they’ll make it seem like [...]
In Defense of Superman
I am really into superheroes. This is fairly evident to anyone with even a passing familiarity to me. On first dates, I ask the person sitting across from me about their favorite heroes and villains. [...]
Book Writing for BAMFs
In less than a month, my debut novel, ‘Benevolent Keepers’ will hit stores, officially making me a published author. This makes me qualified to create a tutorial for prospective writers everywhere. A naysayer might point [...]
Dragony Goodness
I love a good monster. To clarify, I don’t mean a sympathetic or misunderstood monster. Give me an unstoppable force of nature, a creature whose very nature embodies destruction. Give me rage, give me hunger, [...]
Benevolent Keepers Release June 5th!
I can't believe that we're only a month away from launch date! It has literally been years in the making, so to say that I'm super-excited about the release of my first book would [...]

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Supernatural Dating Coach: Red Flags #supernaturaldatingcoach #greenflag #redflag#protagonist #Vampire #Werewolf #datingadvice #datingexpert #protagonist
Shapeshifter vs Evil Twin: Your Supernatural Dating Coach Weighs In On This Delicate Issue #supernaturaldatingcoach #shapeshifter #eviltwins #dating #datingadvice #protagonist
All writers have a search history that would make their assigned FBI agent reach for the smelling salts. #searchhistory #author #authorlife #innocentiswear
I don't want to name names, but this trope is getting really tired. If a character is dumb enough to mess with strange things in a foreboding location, they're too stupid to keep me invested in the story. #books #booknerd #trope #toxichabits
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