Louise Rainey2023-06-02T10:30:18-06:00

BeneVolent Keepers

Saving the world is a bloody, ruthless endeavor.

The Bridle demands absolute devotion from all citizens. The old, infirm, and unwilling are discarded, even if they possess coveted Salt abilities. Some agents are born into the empire, others harvested throughout the oblivious world, but all are trained to battle and infiltrate from childhood.

Though born in different worlds, Lucy and James are both eager to prove their worth to the Bridle.

As an outcast agent trainee, Lucy tries to hide the magical pink sparks spilling…

Benevolent Keepers

BeneVolent Keepers

Book One of the Deception Games

Seasons change.  Empires fall.
The Bridle watches over all.

My random thoughts…

The Monster’s Bastard

Margery stared ahead, hands clasped and knees aching on the cold stone floor. She chanted the refrain with a hundred other voices. She knew better than to remain silent. The abbess had been good to her. Far, far better [...]


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